Saturday, January 29, 2011

I've already been here a week?!?

I seriously cannot believe that a week ago we were just getting here and discovering this gorgeous place!  The first week had some up and downs of loving it and missing home, but I definitely feel comfortable here now even after only a week. The campus is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!  There are so many rolling hills, amazing buildings and cool forests here that make it really pretty. On Wednesday some of us went to explore Keele Hall (the building in the picture).  It was SO PRETTY! We honestly spent probably an hour just taking pictures of it and everything around it. 

There are so many cool paths and winding roads around by Keele Hall.  I love just walking around and looking at the buildings because they are like ones you would picture being in fairy tales...that's seriously how amazing they are.  Today our friend Ollie took us out to the woods behind Keele Hall and it was really cool.  There are a bunch of lakes and paths back there that were really awesome to see, and I'm sure in the spring they would be even more beautiful than they were today.

On Thursday we went to the International Students Reception inside Keele Hall (the picture is of us on the staircase in it), and the inside is just as beautiful as the outside.  The reception had Keele students who had been abroad as well as  the ones coming from other countries and studying there this semester.  It was cool to see the students' perspectives of the US and other places they had visited.  After the reception we went to Sneyd's and hung out for awhile which was lots of fun.  Friday night we went to the "Refreshers Ball" in the union.  The name implied it was a classy event, but it was pretty much a big party for all intents and purposes which was lots of fun.  Tonight there is a Hedfone Party in the union.  Apparently everyone gets their own pair of headphones and picks what DJ they want to listen to, so everyone is jamming to different things which is really funny to watch according to people who went last year. I really like it here, and I have a feeling I am not going to want to leave by the end because of the awesome experiences I am bound to continue having :)

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