Thursday, January 6, 2011

Am I really starting a blog?

I have never been one for blogging.  In fact, the whole blogging idea seemed like a waste of time to me.  Let's face it, the majority of people don't really care about how my day went or significant things that happened in my life, and the ones who do care I can tell in person.  A blog to me seemed like an online diary, and anything I would write in a diary is something I would not want others knowing.  Although this was my original view of the whole phenomenon, it has now been skewed by the fact that I will be in a different country for nearly 6 months, with limited opportunity to contact family and friends.  A blog now seems to be something that gives me the ability to keep people informed of my wondrous adventures and experiences I will hopefully be having while in Europe this semester.  For anyone who follows it THANK YOU! I will attempt to hold your interest throughout the semester.  I'm going to follow this initial post with one that is actually relevant to my studying abroad and see how it goes...
hopefully it will not bore you to pieces :)

(aka ta ta for now....i am going to attempt to throw some British slang into the posts because I love it, although as of right now my vocabulary of British slang consists only of words I learned from the Georgia Nicholson books in middle school, so it may not be completely legitimate haha)

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