Thursday, January 6, 2011

Only two weeks away?!?

This morning I woke up and it seemed like any other day...until I looked at the calender. January 6.  This date really has no significance in my life, yet it still shocked me and made reality hit me like a ton of bricks.  I only have 2 WEEKS until I will depart on my journey to live in a foreign country.  It seems like only yesterday that I was writing "130 days until England!" on the whiteboard in my room at BG.  I am thoroughly excited yet terrified at the same time that it is so soon.  It seems daunting to think about being away from family and friends for almost 6 months.  I hope that I am able to adjust and not get too homesick, but from what I hear from others who have done this program in the past it goes by so quickly and is so amazing that I won't notice how long I have been gone.  Since I have never been to another country it is exhilarating to think about how awesome it is going to be to see so many other countries and explore many new cultures throughout Europe.  Ahhh I cannot wait!!!  So much packing and planning to do until then, but I have a feeling January 20 will be here before I know it :)


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