Monday, January 17, 2011

Explore. Dream. Discover.

So today was truly an awesome day for multiple reasons, one of which was because we booked a tour with Contiki!  I am so beyond excited for it!!!  So here is how it will go.  We start in London on April 10 and travel for the next 21 days.  We go to Paris, Beaujolais, Barcelona, the French Riviera, Venice, Florence, Rome, Corfu and Athens.  It is going to be AMAZING!!!!!!!! Ugh I cannot wait.  Also the other day my roomie Ann, who is having a fabulous time in Spain at the moment, booked a ticket to come see us in England in February which is really exciting.  I can't wait to see her and hear more about her awesome trip.  Oh my goodness I can't believe that in exactly 3 days I will be on a plane well on my way over to Billy Shakespeare-land :)  SO CrAzY!!!!!!  I attempted to get more packing today but all I really managed to do was make my room look like there was an explosion in it.  Seriously you can barely see the floor, so I probably should work on that more tomorrow haha.  Anyways I suppose this will be my last post until I get over to the UK.  I am going to have an open mind for this trip and make the most of this incredible journey I am about to embark on....wish me luck! :) :) :)

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain


  1. BARCELONA! love love love. maybe I can meet you there! Can you believe this is real?? :)

  2. Have a blast Steph!!! I'm soooo excited for you and the Contiki trip you have planned. That sounds like the perfect adventure :P miss you already. Skype me sometime! :)

