Thursday, February 3, 2011


So I know it’s forever since I wrote and I’m sorry, but it’s just been craziness lately!  First I want to say that I’m loving it here and feel right at home J  At first I didn’t like things such as having a room all to myself because I felt a bit lonely, but I love it now!  It was strange going from having 6 roommates (well actually more like 10 because our other wonderful friends were always in 469 too haha) to being just me, but I kind of like the privacy and not having to worry about anyone but myself in the room.  I am usually out and about at nights anyways because we either go to the union, hang out at Sneyds or just chill in some ones room for awhile, so it’s nice having somewhere all my own to come back to.  Classes are going well, too, and I think I will really enjoy them.  Also, the British are great and a ton of fun to be around.  Mostly everyone I have met has been super nice and they love asking you about America.  At the union the other night I quoted an entire 5 minute scene from Ace Ventura with some football player which was hilarious, and he said although American football was for "tossers" he liked the Miami Dolphins (which I found very random lol).  The girls in my hall are really friendly as well.  I hear stories about some of the other study abroad students being kept up at all hours of the night by their block mates, but mine are really good about not being too loud during the week, with perhaps the exception of Tuesday night when they went to some rock music society called KRAP.  At about 9 at night some of them were pretty shwasted and they invited me to go with them by yelling “AMERICAN!!!! Come to KRAP with us!!!”  I was slightly confused as to why someone would ask me to go crap with them, but then they explained what it was.  I didn’t go because I had an early lecture the next day, but they came home at 4 am and were really loud but apologized the next day for it so I didn’t really mind.
The girls from BG and I have gotten pretty close, which is awesome J  We went shopping in Hanley on Wednesday which was a lot of fun, and they have some really great Forever 21ish stores that are cheap and have great clothes. We also planned a trip to London this weekend, and I cannot even begin to describe how excited I am about it!!!  We leave tomorrow around 3 when everyone is done with lectures.   We also have gone to the union quite a bit lately for Fresher’s Week events.  I have come to really enjoy going to the union on nights where they have themes.  Saturday night was the Hedfone Disco which was a blast.  Everyone got these big head phones and could pick which DJ they listened to, so everyone was belting out to different things, which was hilarious to listen to.  Last night Jo, Bradley and Paul from S Club 7 were here and it was INSANE!  We got there really early so we were right in front of the stage, and people were so crazy the whole night.  About a half hour before they performed it got reeeeally crowded in the ballroom and it was like a mosh pit.  Everyone was pushing and shoving to get towards the front, and I thought there were about to be punches thrown because people were getting so mad about everyone running into each other.  By the last song I had some girl pretty much on my back and I couldn’t even move because of how crowded it was, but it was worth it.  S Club was awesome (even though I’m pretty sure they were lip singing) and it gave me major 90’s flashbacks of watching their TV show and listening to their CD’s with my neighbors. 

I miss all of you at home but I’m having a blast and I can’t wait to tell everyone about our London adventures this weekend!! J

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