Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Starting to settle in...

So this weekend was A LOT of fun!  On Saturday night me and some of the other people from BG went to Lindsay Bar for dinner and a drink.  We had cheeseburgers (we are such Americans lol) and they were delicious!  Next we went to the student union, and let me tell you it was NOTHING like the union at BG.  It had a small sitting area and a shop on the first floor but besides that there is no comparison.  The second floor has about 5 bars in it.  It was pretty dead when we went because it was still early, but while there we met up with a few of the French exchange students and went with them to another pub on campus called Sneyd Arms.  I felt so English being there! It was adorable inside.  We spent a lot of time there that night, and even met some really cool English people who had drinks with us! (Don’t worry adults who are reading this, I promise I didn’t have too much!)  It was a blast! I love Sneyd’s, and the walk there was gorgeous. 
On Sunday all the international students went into Newcastle-Under-Lyme (the city closest to Keele) to take a bus tour around and see the sights.  It was so beautiful, and I still can’t believe I get to live in such a gorgeous place.  We also went grocery shopping at a supermarket called Morrison’s.  I was SO lost in there!  First of all it was packed, and second of all the brands were all ones I didn’t recognize so I had no idea what to buy.  We only had a half hour there so I didn’t buy much, but Becca, Hannah, Sarah and I all went back on Monday so we could take our time and pick out things to make.  That night we all ordered pizza and ate it together.  I really love the other BG people that are here and I feel like I can be myself around them.  We met lots of British people that night in Becca’s hall too that were awesome.  Then Ellen and I went to her dorm to meet some of the people in her hall, who are really nice but CRAZY.  They go out/drink like at least 5 or 6 nights a week!  They stay out until like 6 am, then go to class and sleep all day.  I could NEVER do that! Two or three nights a week is definitely my limit, and I could never drink nearly as much as them haha. 

Monday we bought “Freshers Passes.”  Basically the first few weeks they have a bunch of events in the union that you can pay to go to or buy a band to get into most of them.  Last night was “Skins” night.  IT WAS INSANE! I have never seen so many drunk  people in my life! Lol but it was fun.  The girls here seriously wear as little as possible out.  Like dresses that BARELY cover their butts and are skin tight.  I only saw like 4 people wearing pants last night, it was crazy! Don’t they know it’s like 30 degrees outside? Haha.  Hardly any of them wear flats either. Almost all were in heals that were a million miles high.  I don't think I could ever wear some of the stuff they do, but they are still fun to go out with!
Today was much first day of classes, which are structured a bit differently here.  I am in only 4 classes with one lecture and one seminar for each a week, so I only go to class like 8 hours a week!  You would think this would be awesome, but I honestly wish I had more to occupy my time during the day because it's when I have to be alone in my room that I get a bit homesick.  The grades in each class are basically based on one paper, too.  Talk about terrifying!  But at least they give you the prompt really early so you can work on it all semester.  After class Ellen and I went to a poster sale and then got coffee with a guy from here named Chris who was very helpful and gave us lots of great advice about things to do.  Then we went to hang out with Becca, Chelsea, Hannah and Sarah in Hawthorns and at Sneyds.  We saw the English guys from Friday there again and one bought us drinks and desert! They are so nice and lots of fun.
Woah that was a lot, sorry everybody!! (at least the ones who lasted til the end lol).  I promise to not make them all that long!  Love and miss you all! P.S. check out the pics on FB.  They are gorgeous!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like youre having an awesome time! People here dont go out too much during the week (maybe for like one drink) but on the weekends they go hardcore! I cant imagine going out every night! haha love youu!
