Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ann Marcella Heyward comes for a visit :)

This weekend was tons of fun.  One of my best friends from BG, Ann (who is studying in Madrid this semester) came to Keele to visit Ellen and me.  I was beyond excited to see her!  Our friend Chelsea’s sister is also studying in Madrid, so she and Ann flew over together on Thursday.  They got to Hanley at 1:30 a.m., so Chelsea, Ellen and I took a taxi to go pick them up from the coach station.  Everyone was so happy to see each other that we ran across the station screaming to give them a hug when they got off the coach .  Everyone else in the station probably thought we were crazy but oh well, it was just so exciting to get to see someone from home again after almost a month of being away.  It was fun to talk in person about our study abroad experiences so far and catch up with each other.
On Friday we explored campus and showed her places like the music building and Keele Hall.  For dinner we went to Sneyd’s with a bunch of our friends which was a blast.  I absolutely love Sneyd’s.  It has great food and a homey feel to it, and I’m glad we got to go there while Ann was here.  That night there was an international student’s talent show in Lindsay Bar which we went to see because our friend Simon was in it.  Later we went back to our friend Becca’s with a bunch of our friends and just hung out all night.
On Saturday Ellen, Ann and I went to Birmingham and Cadbury World.  Cadbury World was so much fun!  It was basically bunch of families and us, but we didn’t care and still had a blast.  They gave us tons of free chocolate and the “world” had 14 really cool sections within it.  When we got home from Birmingham we ordered Chinese food and skyped with all of our friends from back home.  It was fun having everyone together again (well, sort of) and I loved talking to them.  Saturday night we went to an 80’s party at K2 in the union that was a blast, but we left kind of early because unfortunately the only coach Ann could get back to the airport in Liverpool left at 4:15 am, so she had to call a cab around 3.  It was sad seeing her go but I absolutely loved spending the weekend with her, and I’m thinking of going to Madrid to visit her in April before I start my Contiki tour. 
This week we are going to Chester on Thursday and Wales on Saturday, which I’m really looking forward to.  I cannot believe that I have been here nearly a month already!  It’s true what everyone says about how quickly it goes by.  It seems like only yesterday that we were moving our stuff in and starting classes.  I guess I will just have to make the most of every minute while I’m here, which shouldn’t be hard since we have trips  to places like Chester, Wales, Liverpool, York, Ireland, a Manchester United game and Bath planned for the next month.  Happy Valentine’s Day everybody, love you all and hopefully I’ll talk to you soon! J

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