Monday, February 28, 2011

A trip to York!

This week started out pretty typical, I went to class, wrote a paper and hung out with all my friends.  On Thursday, though, we went on another day trip to York.  It was incredible!!!  I know I say this about everywhere I go, but everything there was extremely beautiful.  I still cannot get over the architecture here, especially when it comes to churches and cathedrals.  Many of you have probably heard of York Minster Cathedral, which we saw while in York while we were there on Thursday.  For those who haven’t heard of it, it is the largest Gothic Cathedral in Northern Europe.  It was so amazing!!! 

If someone had told me before I came here that I would love going into churches and actually looked forward to seeing them, I probably would have taken it with a grain of salt, but they are so incredible and beautiful!  I can’t even describe how impressive they all are, even the small ones.  We also saw a bit of the castle and the Viking Festival while there, and walked around the market in town.  The day in York was sunny and fun and I would love to get to go back again while I am here.

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