Sunday, February 20, 2011

V-Day, Chester and Wales :)

This was another great week J  It started out with Valentine’s Day, when Becca and Chelsea cooked us all a delicious dinner.  It was the best food I had eaten for a long time and it was nice to have a home-cooked meal again.  We all watched P.S. I Love You and ate dessert together, and it was the best Valentine’s Day I had had in a very long time thanks to the awesome people here with me and back home. 

Then the week got even better when I booked tickets to Madrid to see Ann.  I am beyond excited for it!!!  I miss all my friends from BG and it will be nice to see her again before she goes home. Here at Keele they have a month long “Easter Holiday.”  Everyone who is from England either travels or goes home for it.  I am flying to Madrid on April 6 for four days, and then heading to London to start my Contiki tour with Ellen and Sarah.  On the tour we go to all over Europe and I am so incredibly psyched for it!

On Thursday we went to Chester.  I wasn’t that excited about going because I didn’t know what was there, but it was a lot of fun.  The streets in Chester look like the ones in Beauty in the Beast and are incredible.  They have tons of cute little shops along them that were fun to go in.  There is also an amazing cathedral there that was so cool on the inside and outside.  The architecture here is so fantastic and nothing I have ever seen before.  Even small towns like Chester are beautiful and fun to visit.
Yesterday we took a day trip to Cardiff, the capital of Wales.  It was awesome but it took 3 hours to get there and we only had 5 hours to see everything, so I wish we would have gotten more time to explore the city.  Cardiff was a beautiful city.  While we were there we saw lots of stuff that had to do with rugby, because Millenium Stadium is there.  There was also a really cool castle in the city but didn’t go inside because it was expensive and we thought it would take up too much time.  Instead we took a double decker tour so that we could see everything at least for a little while.  On the tour we went to Cardiff Bay which was really pretty.  We also saw town hall, the history museum and many other things.  We left Cardiff at 5:30 and got back to Keele around 9.  Me, Chelsea, Becca and a few of our other friends went to Hijack that night, which was essentially a pub crawl to all the bars in Keele.  Since we started so late we didn’t get to go to many of them, but it was still a blast.  I have a feeling this next week will go by slowly because I am SOOOO excited for Ireland this weekend!!  We leave on Friday and are spending 3 days there, which should be tons of fun. J  Love and miss you all!

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