Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend get-a-way in London!

So the past few weeks have been pretty laid back.  After finishing my essays and work for my independent studies, I pretty much spent my time hanging out with my friends and not doing much productive things.  Because we got a bit bored sitting around Keele, my friend Becca and I decided we should take one last trip while we were here.  On Thursday we set off nice and earl to London.  We got there around 11:30 and after checking into our hotel, we went shopping in Oxford Circus which has tons of amazing stores.  After our afternoon of retail therapy we went back to the hotel to get ready for the evening.  Becca got us tickets to see a newer musical called Priscilla Queen of the Desert.  She had already seen it and absolutely loved it, so I decided to give it a try.  Before the show we got a few drinks in the theater district and then headed towards the Palace Theater to see it.  Oh. My. Goodness.  Priscilla was PHENOMINAL!!!  I would almost say it was my favorite show I had ever seen.  It’s about 3 drag queens who are travelling from Sydney across Australia in a big bus (called Priscilla).  It sounds strange, but it was so much fun and such an upper!  The music was great, and I even got to go up on stage and dance with them!!!  I had such a blast there and I would recommend the show to anyone because I cannot imagine someone not liking it.  After the show we went to grab some dinner, then headed back to the hotel for some sleep. On the way back we saw one of the funniest things ever in the underground.  It wasn’t very crowded since it was so late, and there was a businessman sitting on one of the seats.  He kept wobbling around, clearly drunk.  Then he put his head between his legs and looked like he had passed out, but when we stopped he stumbled up, looked out the door for about 5 minutes and then sat back down.  After that he proceeded to throw up everything he had drank, and right at the perfect moment this group of French tourists started to sing him happy birthday, it was hilarious!  Becca and I got off at the next stop and couldn’t stop laughing.  Overall it was a fun and perfect evening.

The next day we started by going to Madame Tussaud’s wax museum.  The wax figures are so realistic it’s almost creepy!  They were all really amazing and I liked seeing all of them.  In Madame Tussaud’s after you see all the wax figures you go on a little ride that shows you the history of London, then a superhero 4D show.  The whole thing was really cool and worth the money I thought.  After the museum we went over to the London Eye.  It was really cool going up into the eye and you get a fantastic view of the city from up there.  Earlier when we were at the museum there was a lady selling cheap theater tickets, and they had ones for Chicago so we decided that we might as well make the most of our time there, so we went to see that too!  After the eye we grabbed kebabs, went back and changed and then headed to the show.  It was fantastic too!  I had always wanted to see Chicago on stage since I love the movie, and the musical was just as good.
On Saturday we went to Camden Market.  Holy crap, it was AWESOME!  If any of you go to London this is a must do!  It is a massive outdoor market with people selling everything you can imagine.  We lucked out because it was a gorgeous sunny day outside and not too hot, so it was perfect for exploring the different vendors.  We got there around 11 and didn’t leave until about 8.  We were exhausted (shopping takes a lot out of you! Lol) so we went back to the hotel, watched a movie and just relaxed.  Sunday we had to check out of our hotel pretty early, so we went to the cavalry (where the Queen’s horses are held).  Most people don’t know this, but the guards in the traditional outfits don’t stand at Buckingham Palace, they stand there but don’t always have their red uniforms on.  We took some pictures with them, then grabbed lunch and hopped on the bus back home.  It was an absolutely incredible weekend, one of my favorite ever.  I know I say this all the time but I am seriously so thankful that my parents have helped me so much and allowed me to have the opportunity to travel, because weekends like this past one are so amazing and without their help I would not have been able to do it J  Only 11 more days until I fly home, so I’m going to go make the most of them!!

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