Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Easter Holiday Part 3: Barcelona and French Riviera

The next day of our journey was spent driving to Barcelona, and boy was it long.  Luckily we broke up the drive by stopping at some really cool places, like Pont du Gard which is an old Roman aqueduct in France.  It was absolutely incredible and I am always amazed by the fact that without the modern tools we have people were able to create these magnificent things.  Eventually we got to Barcelona and had some dinner, then got ready for a night out on the town.  We went into the city and walked down La Ramblas to a bar called El Bose de la Fades that was decorated like a rain forest inside.  Everyone tried some sangria (which Spain is famous for) and just had a great night talking and relaxing.

The next day we headed out into the city once again, and our day started out with a bus tour and a walking tour of different parts of the city.  One of the most amazing things we saw was the Sagrada Familia.  Antoni Gaudi created many masterpieces throughout the city, and this is his most famous one.  It was started in 1882, and STILL isn’t finished!  You can tell there have been many different architects working on it because the sides are very different.  The city was very different than anything I had seen before and I really loved walking through it.  After the tours I went with some of the other people in the group to the FC Barcelona stadium.  It was incredibly epic and so cool to tour it and see where the amazing team plays.  Next we headed to Parc Guell, which is full of mosaics created by Gaudi.  It was so beautiful and looked like candy land.  After that we did some shopping and then went out for the evening with everybody, which was (as always) a ton of fun.  I did not know what to expect in Barcelona but I had so much fun there and hope to go back some day.

After Barcelona we went to the French Riviera.  The first night we got there we stayed at the campsite, where we tried frog legs…which to my surprise tasted a lot like chicken.  The next day we went into Nice and started the day at a perfumery, where we learned about how it is made and the different types. Our day after that was free for us to shop and enjoy the beachfront.  Later on that night we went into Monaco, which (after Vatican City) is the smallest country in the world.  Monaco is famous for the grand prix and its casinos, the most famous of which is Monte Carlo.  It was GORGEOUS but waaaaay different than a Vegas casino.  There was a very serious vibe in there, but it was awesome to get dressed up like a high roller and gamble a bit, and I actually won!  But then I lost L, which was okay because later we went next door to the Sun Casino where I won 22 euro!  (I know it isn’t a lot, but I was still excited lol).   I loved the French Riviera, but I super excited to leave only because the next day we went to Italy!

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