Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Easter Holiday Part 5: Pompeii and Greece

So originally we were supposed to spend Easter Sunday in Rome, but unfortunately something happened with the ferry company that was supposed to take us to Greece.  This would not have been a problem, except that we were supposed to stop in Pompeii on the way to the coast, and now we wouldn’t be able to.  Because of this everyone had to option to either stay in Rome that day or go to Pompeii.  I had learned about Pompeii in elementary school and always wanted to see it, so I chose to go there.  It was really, really cool to learn about the history and everything that happened there.  It was also amazing to see the ruins and imagine the people who used to live there and their lifestyles.  I was happy with my decision and it was a great experience to go out there.  Unfortunately this was our last night with the entire group because 9 of them stopped their trip in Rome, so we had a huge party and enjoyed our last night with everyone.

The next day we drove to the coast where we jumped on a cruise ship and headed toward Greece.  On the boat we had “quiz night” and played charades (which was hilarious) and went to sleep excited for the next day in Corfu.  At about 10 we docked and got taken to our hotel, which was a gorgeous 4 star one in Corfu.  It was beautiful and the food we got there was incredible.  Once we settled in we took a walk and stumbled upon a restaurant, where we got the most delicious souvlaki EVER!  I had never really tried Greek food before, but it was AMAZING and now one of my favorites!  After that we hung out by the pool and then the Contiki reps took us out to an awesome dinner and out for the night.
The following day was (with maybe the exception of the first day in Paris) my favorite day of the whole trip.  We went on George’s Boat and sailed around the island.  George is a 60 year old, slightly perverted Greek man who was so much fun.  We stopped after awhile at a dock and everyone got a chance to do water sports.  I did the donut and banana boating.  The donut was a BLAST and I was laughing and smiling the whole time.  The banana was really fun as well, although the 8 of us on it were not so good at keeping balance and we tipped like 4 times.  After water sports George made us an incredible lunch and we continued boating around the island.  We stopped many places along to way to swim and have a good time in the gorgeous ocean.  The whole day was just relaxed and fun.  After Georges Boat we had dinner and then some of the girls went shopping in town.  Corfu is such a cute little town and so pretty, I really loved it there.
The next day we rented cars and decided to explore the island.  THAT was an experience.  Luckily I didn’t have to drive, because Greek drivers are NUTS!  The roads were also very narrow up in some of the mountains which was terrifying, but our driver Chelsea did an awesome job with it.  Throughout the day we stopped to swim and sunbathe on Corfu’s many beaches.  The island is incredibly beautiful and probably my favorite place I have ever been.
The next day we sadly left Corfu.  I could have spent week there enjoying its beaches and beauty, but we had to move onto Athens.  When we arrived in Athens we went to the Plaka District for our last night together.  I absolutely loved everyone in our group and it was very sad that we only had a day left with one another.  We all got very nostalgic talking about all the great times we had throughout the trip.  It is crazy how well you get to know people when you spend 3 weeks with them.  I feel like I had known some of them for years, and I was sad to leave them.  Our final day was spent in Athens at the Acropolis.  The view from up there was awesome and the Parthenon was really cool to see.  Overall this month was the best one of my entire life.  I met amazing people and saw most of the amazingly beautiful sites Europe has to offer.  I spent more money than I thought possible, but the experience was well worth it and I would it again in a heartbeat. J

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