Saturday, May 28, 2011

Less than a week left?!?

This week has been a very interesting one.  I remember getting back from London on Sunday and thinking about how these last couple weeks would probably take forever since we are all about ready to go home, but that wasn’t true at all!  This week flew by and now that there are only 6 days left here it seems crazy.  Monday we spent recovering from the weekend in London, then on Tuesday Becca and I headed out to Manchester.  The old Manchester United captain, Gary Neville, is retiring from football, so they were holding one last game against Juventus in his honor.  They started to sell tickets for it a couple of weeks ago, and luckily we heard about it and got some.  We were so excited to get to see some of the great ManU players like Rooney and Giggs in action.  The best part about this is that David Beckham is Gary Neville’s best friend, and he was playing in the game too!!!  Becca and I spent the entire day in Manchester shopping and looking around the stadium until the game.  It was such an amazing atmosphere and I was beyond ecstatic to see THE David Beckham play in person…he is amazing!  We also saw Rooney score a goal which was really cool.  Due to some mishaps with the transportation, we didn’t get home until very late, so the next day we just relaxed and watched movies.
Yesterday was our last Friday night at Keele, so needless to say we all wanted to celebrate.  The night started out great with us hanging out and getting ready to go to the union, but it took a turn at about 10.  We were leaving to go out and while we were walking down the stairs Becca slipped and fell down about 6 of them.  At first she was laughing and we thought everything was ok, but then it started swelling REALLY bad and she was in a lot of pain.  My friend Dave and I called the ambulance and went with her to the hospital in Stoke.  We got there at 11 pm and didn’t end up leaving until about 7 this morning.  There was a really bad care accident that night and all the doctors were occupied for a long time, which is why it took so long.  Luckily she didn’t break it; she just really badly tore some of the soft tissue around her ankle.  After 8 hours in the ER we were all exhausted, so we can home and sleep the entire day.  That wasn’t the ideal way to spend our last Friday, but at least everyone is ok.  Luckily we still have Woodstoke, a big carnival/party that last from 5 pm on June 1 until 5am on June 2.  It should be a lot of fun and a great way to end the semester.  Until then everyone is going to be packing and saying goodbyes.  I cannot believe there is less than a week until I am in the US again…time flies!!  J xoxo

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