Monday, March 21, 2011

You say it's your birthday... :)

I was a very spoiled girl this year for my birthday.  Although I was sad to not be able to see my family when I turned 20, my amazing friends here took good care of me and I had an absolute blast.  On Thursday night my friend Ellen asked to me to come over to talk because she was upset about something, but I should have known it was a trick because when I got there she and my friend Sarah surprised me with a cake.  The next morning I went to get English breakfast with them and a couple of my other friends, which was delicious!  Then my friends Becca, Chelsea and Hannah made me home made mac and cheese for dinner which was amazing. 
On Saturday Becca and I went to the Stoke City vs. Newcastle United football match.  IT WAS AWESOME!!! I love seeing sports in person and it was a really great game.  We were also in the very front row, so we were SO CLOSE to the players!  It was unbelievable and a really amazing experience.  Saturday night a big group of us went to dinner at Sneyd’s and then out to an awesome club in Hanley called Liquid.  We danced the night away and had an extremely amazing time.  It was honestly one of the best birthday’s I have ever had, and I felt so fortunate to have wonderful friends who would help me do it up right over here in England J

Love you all and hope you had a great week!  TTFN!

xoxo Steph :)

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