Monday, March 14, 2011

Studying my life away!

So I know I have been MIA as far as the blogging goes lately, but things have been pretty hectic.  March definitely snuck up on me…this semester has moved so fast!  Back in February I had much more down time than I do this month.  I am very glad that we planned a good deal of our trips for February, because if we hadn’t I would probably be extremely stressed right now.  I know this may come as a shock to those of you who think I have done nothing but travel since I have been here, but I actually have A LOT of homework for the past couple of weeks lol.  There is definitely a different dynamic throughout the entire university the past month.  People seem to be focusing a bit less on leisure and waaay more on work.  At the beginning of the semester our tutors (that’s what they call professors here) gave us a list of what the grades in the class would come from.  All of mine have one group presentation worth 20% of our grade and one final essay worth about nerve-wracking!  It is scary to think that two assignments determine everything, but luckily they give you a ton of time to work on them.  I actually only have one due before Easter Holiday, and the rest are due the week we get back but I (along with most of the study abroad students) am trying to finish all of it before break so that I won’t be stressed about it while travelling.  I have spent countless hours in the library lately doing research and putting everything together. Hopefully I will finish them within the next two weeks, and then I will be free to focus on Madrid and the Contiki tour J  Although I still have 3 weeks I am starting to get soooo excited for them!  I guess I better continue working hard, because April will be here before I know it! 
Love and miss you all! xoxo

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