Thursday, March 3, 2011

...You May Say I'm a Dreamer, but I'm Not the Only One.

Today we went to Liverpool, which was our last day trip for awhile but a good one.  For those who don’t know, Liverpool is home to the Beatles, one of the most iconic bands in history.  While we were there we went to the Beatles Story museum which was really cool.  It was fun to see how they got their start.  While we were there I learned some interesting fact about the Beatles, such as the fact that Ringo Star was not added to the band for quite some time after they started out, and that although they produced hundreds of songs they were only together a total of 8 years.  I had forgotten how many of their songs I loved and the entire bus ride home I listened to them.
While in Liverpool we also took a “Yellow Duckmarine” Tour, Anfield and saw the Liverpool Cathedral.  The Duckmarine tour went all around the city and showed us the sights, such as the Chinese Arch, Town Hall, the port, and the Four Courts.  After going around the town we went into the water and saw all of the docks.  Our tour guide and driver were both hilarious and we all had a good time on the tour. 

We also stopped at Anfield, which is home to the Liverpool Football Club.  The Liverpool FC is considered one of the most successful in England, although this season they are not doing as well as in the past.  Outside of Anfield there is a memorial to the 96 fans that died at HIllborough on April 15, 1989.  The stadium collapsed killing 96 fans and injuring over 700.  It was interesting to find out that the club had such a history.

The cathedral in Liverpool, as usual, was AMAZING.  It is the largest cathedral in the UK and one of the largest in the world.  It is extremely beautiful on the inside and out.  Outside of the cathedral is a beautiful yet creepy graveyard.  At night it probably would have been very scary, but during the day it was very cool. 
Overall Liverpool was a very successful day and I’m glad I went.  I’m sorry to say that my posts may be even less frequent from now on seeing as I do not have too many more trips until April and I am going to be swamped with writing essays in order to finish them before Easter Holiday.  Love you all!!

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